Room Snob at The Splendido: To Switch or Not To Switch
Have you noticed that lately every category of experience has the word “snob” attached to it?
Food snob, restaurant snob, ticket snob, airline snob – the list goes on and on.
Town and Country magazine recently launched their Snob Guides covering everything from the best restaurants, bars, and hotels to ski resorts, museums, cruises, and spas. (My personal favorite: A Snob’s Guide to London).
Although the description traditionally has a negative connotation, it has taken on a new meaning, particularly when you travel which is, what is the very best experience I can have for my particular interests?
For me, I fall squarely into the hotel snob category but I never considered myself a “room snob” until a trip to the Splendido in Portofino last summer when we checked in to what was quite possibly the worst room I’ve ever been given in a nice hotel. Not only was it tiny, but we were surrounded on THREE sides (on either side of us and across the hall) by the housekeeping supply rooms (which would normally not be an issue at all but for the constant – and I mean every three minutes – door slamming in every direction) AND directly across from the elevator.
I am normally someone who takes control but I was paralyzed with how to deal with this situation after a long day of travel – and was generally frustrated that they would put us or anyone in this room.
Luckily my husband who I refer to as “The Traveling Princess” because he is generally just along for the ride and rarely even knows where we are going let alone what hotel we are staying in, took this one for the team, worked some magic (always say please! and tips go a long way) with the hotel manager, and had us moved to a much improved room.
Normally, I am just glad to be in a nice hotel but in this case, the switch in rooms made all the difference in our stay.
Here are a few images of our upgraded room at the Splendido with a view of the sea, the resort and the tennis courts.
The best part of nice hotel rooms in my opinion is the luxurious bedding. I’ve tried to recreate them at my house and have included a few of my essentials for every bed. (And while we’re on the topic, I am without question a certified and unapologetic sheet and pillow snob – lol).
Happy Nesting!
Here’s to more fun travels with Todd and my family and friends in 2025!