Don’t Skip Athens on a Trip to Greece

I went to the island of Santorini in Greece on my honeymoon (home to most romantic hotel in the world) 14 years ago and as I was planning the trip (yes of course I planned my own honeymoon!), everyone I spoke to told me to skip Athens.

I can’t remember what their reasons were exactly but what I do recall is how emphatic everyone was in their opinion that it was not worth visiting. Something about the heat and the crowds, but whatever the reason we took their advice and went straight to Santorini after landing in Athens. And since then, I have always carried that negative view of Athens with me.

Fortunately I had the chance to assess it for myself last summer on a cruise to Greece, Italy and Croatia.

Our first stop before we boarded our ship was Athens. We were only there a short time (approx 30 hours) but I loved our time there and definitely could have stayed a couple more days. We put together a great itinerary; I would recommend everything we did. Save this in case you find yourself there either for a quick trip like ours or a longer stay.

Lastly, one of the best resources for Athens and Greece generally is the very enthusiastic, fun (& Greek!) editor of Town & Country (one of my favorite magazines), Stellene Volandes. She writes a lot about Greece in the magazine and on her Instagram account. She wrote A Snob’s Guide to Athens last summer which you should definitely check out if you’re planning a trip to Greece and plan on stopping in Athens – this is the only guide you’ll need as she covers everything!

“I will speak instead of Athens, which took time for me to love but which I now approach with something close to worship.”

– Stellene Volandes, Editor-in-Chief, Town and Country Magazine
We checked into our hotel, Grande Hotel Bretagne, for one night before we boarded the ship
Headed out on our walking tour alongside
Life in Charleston
Arriving at the Acropolis, an unbelievable experience
Just wow
Afternoon walking tour of the Acropolis with the very best cousin and travel companion
Headed back down
I loved being with our dear family friend Judy as she experienced a bucket list moment!
Headed out to dinner on our first night from the lovely Grande Hotel Bretagne
Check out that rooftop view
Breakfast spot
Next up: Dinner at Dionysos Zonars
Definitely go here when it is daylight so that you can see the amazing sunset and the Acropolis lit up at night.
Truly incredible experience
Athens by Bike tour before we boarded the ship that afternoon
Our tour guide who was so much fun, knowledgeable and patient
Every bike is named for a different Greek God – my bike, Dionyssus, is named for the god of wine making 🙂
So many beautiful vignettes on our bike ride 🙂
& lots and lots of churches
The End!
No one I would rather bike through a European city with than this crew!
Some market shopping on our way to lunch.
The best part of any bike tour is the cute lunch afterwards
Delicious Greek beer
We were so intrigued by the group behind us
Trying (and failing) to be discreet. Also note the slices of watermelon for dessert – chef’s kiss.
I ordered octopus at every meal. Amazing.
Greek salad, of course
Peppers stuffed with rice – these were SO good. Actually my favorite dish.

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