Add to Cart In Search of the Perfect Airplane Bag

I have been traveling so much this Fall (too much – no need to look for a New Year’s resolution next year) and have found myself in need of a new airplane bag that can accommodate all the overflow from my roller bag.

I am one of those people who is not a light packer but likes to pretend I am – I shove everything but the kitchen sink inside of my “one personal item” that really should be checked.

My computer, scarf, books, magazines, chargers, work files, kid stuff and the occasional pair of shoes, toiletries and other items that should go into my rolling bag but just don’t quite seem to fit — all need to find a home in my carry-on bag.

Requirements for a workhorse airplane bag are as follows:

  • Ideally I would like it to have a zipper but if I like the bag enough I can overlook that detail.
  • It must fit on top of my roller bag and have a large strap that I can attach to the handle to pull them both through the airport and onto the plane.
  • In a perfect world I would like it to fit under my seat if needed so I am not the lame person who takes up two spots in the overhead compartment (although I am frequently guilty of that).
  • In the summer, I like to have a bag that can double as a beach bag so I don’t have to pack a third bag.
  • Pockets are also great in an airport bag so you can put your headphones, chargers, and book in them and not have to dig around in the bag to find what you need.

Here are few options that mostly fit those requirements and also check the stylish box too.

If you’re looking for me in the airport, I will be the one racing to my gate, pretending that my giant second carry-on item is just a purse.

Longchamp makes the perfect airport bag – just take a look at their models; they may as well be posing by Gate B42. Longchamp Travel Bag and Longchamp Travel Bag; Leather Version

Longchamp Expandable Bag — This is not an ideal carryon (better to check) but I kid you not, I own THREE of these bags and we could stand to invest in one more. They fit so much stuff and are perfect for family vacations – from bathing suits and towels to ski jackets and boots, this bag is a winner. I have had mine for years and they still work great – we use them on practically every trip we go on. You can also decrease or increase the size of the bag depending on how much room you need. It can also double as a laundry bag fro the way home.
LL Bean Boat and Tote

The OG LL Bean Boat and Tote: Airport/Beach/Diaper/Everything Bag. At only $44 for a Medium Bag, this tote is the best. They also make the great gifts – baby presents, fill it up with fun things for a friend’s birthday, bachelorette parties, etc. You can also get them embroidered now too.

Embroidered LL Bean Boat and Tote
L/UNIFORM Foldable Leather Trim Canvas Bag: New designer on Matches Fashion – super chic and the price is right.
This is the bestselling Paravel Cabana Tote

Oh how I adore this impractical, overpriced suede bag from Metier…Metier Suede Tote Bag

Zara Garment Bag: Zara also has a garment bag which can be hard to find these days.
Luxurious tote that could double as a purse and airport bag: Serapian Textured Leather Tote
My friend alerted me to this great $22 Amazon Tote Bag that comes in a lot of colors and checks all the boxes.
Look at all those pockets. Get it here.
On my way!!

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